Coping up with the New Normal: Pandemic Life

Pandemic Life

The pandemic has wreaked havoc in our daily lives. In this pandemic life, it’s better to limit our social interaction and remain indoors. In the Ayurvedic scripture, Charak Samhita,  there is a chapter dedicated to epidemics- “Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi”, which translates to worldwide epidemics. Also, a few lifestyle regimes have been mentioned, that one can follow to cope up with the pandemic life. 

Best Pandemic Life Practices That You Shouldn’t Miss Out

The primary lifestyle regime is to follow Dincharya. Wake up before sunrise, scrape your tongue, wash your face, and sip warm water. You can also have herbal tea with cinnamon and cardamom. To overcome the illness brought by the virus, a sutra in the scriptures says that one must strengthen the digestive fire or Agni of our body. Following Dinacharya helps to strengthen Agni. 

For better immunity, one must also perform the eight Pranayama exercises, which are Bhastrika, Kapala Bhati, Anuloma Viloma, Brahmari, Utjayi, Utgeet, and finally Sheetali and Sheetkari. By including this in our daily regime, our respiratory system and lymphatic system will be cleansed. 

Although you may not suffer from cold, you can also include Sitopaladi, Talisadi, Abhrak Bhasma, and Mahasudarshan Churna in your diet. You can do this by mixing the above ingredients and taking ½ a spoon three times a day or you could simply add Sitopaldi or Talisadi to your morning chai. 

Besides pranayama exercises, you can also practice some Yogasana like camel pose, cobra pose, cow pose, boat, bow, and bridge pose, locust, lotus, and lion pose. If this is too much for you, a simple Surya Namaskar is also recommended. Ideally one must practice at least 12 Surya Namaskars in a day, but you could start with 7 rounds. After this, you can follow up with meditation. Sit in a lotus position and inhale and exhale. Inhale with the sound of “so” and exhale with “hum”

Lastly, make sure you consume warm food. Avoid cold foods because they will suppress your Agni.  Also, follow the social distancing norms and wear a mask at all times when you’re outdoors. Remember that when you make efforts for better health and immunity, you can survive the pandemic period for sure. 

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